Friday, May 1

April 30th

What to have for dinner when you forget to take something out of the freezer? This was the problem I faced at 4:30 PM. I was sure I had left the frozen meal on the counter and somewhere in the morning routine I forgot. We had our last day of bowling class and a pizza party so I did not step foot in the kitchen after washing up the breakfast dishes. It also happens to be the last day of the month and there just isn't much left in the cupboards at this point. After getting upset at my forgetfulness and looking through the recipes I whipped up some of our favorite cornbread and made pancakes! Spread with homemade jelly, applesauce, or honey they are delicious and filling. I only wished I had made a double batch. Thank goodness shopping day is tomorrow!


  1. Pancakes are always a great alternative for dinner! I forget to take something out of the freezer more times than I'd like to admit!

  2. The pancakes are making me hungry! I think I will make some for breakfast. Mom


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