Friday, May 15

May 11th-14th

My allergies got the best of me this week. I barely managed to get school done and dishes washed. I just have no energy. We have just been hanging out, reading books around the "fire". (love the pencils as marsmallow roasting sticks)

doing our lessons, (wherever ones feels like sitting)

decorating, (I always wanted words on the walls since I saw the idea in a magazine years ago, and then again at The Lettered Cottage blog)

hemmed my drapes to the perfect length, (note to self; recenter the flag picture)

put puzzles together,
and generally had had a week of lazy days!


  1. looks like such a beautiful week, so pure and perfectly full of childhood innocence! I just love peaks into your home, always looks so loving and peaceful!

  2. I love the campfire and Miles reading to Owen and Fiona. Gwen's fishlips,and the food on her face, what a picture! Wish I could have been there to see in person. The curtains look really nice, very professional.


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