Thursday, May 21

May 21st

My allergies are driving me crazy!!!! I haven't been this bad since I left the east coast 6 years ago. I guess 4 years back is enough to re-acclimate to them. I think I'm going to need a prescription, I can't keep feeling so drowsy all day and still have all the yucky stuff too. Needless to say I tried to get things accomplished today, but all I wanted to do was lay on the sofa and cover my eyes with a cool cloth. That is just not possible so we made the best of the day and hung out with the neighbors in their sand box. It was so nice and we hadn't done it in a while.

Owen officially finished kindergarten today and Miles is plugging away at his last math lessons.

Hurray for school breaks! I am working on getting projects done; like my schedule and binders system. The Managers of Their Homes(MOTH) schedule that I am using has you fill out activity sheets for all the things you want to accomplish for each person in your family(except hubby, he can do his own if he wants) before you start scheduling things. I am currently working on Owen. I have mine and Miles done. It's amazing how many things they need to accomplish each day. Don't worry they still have plenty of free time! I however need to figure out a way to incorporate 27 hours of tasks into a 24 hour day. I am assured I can in the book but it is going to take some planning! I'll share my sample schedule when I am done with it. I am purposely taking my time and praying about it to make it the best it can be to benefit everyone.

This is how I spent the rest of the evening organizing the recipe binder! What a mess! It used to be in order but I started piling new recipes instead of filing them and couldn't find anything. Now everything is back in categories and easy to find.

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