Saturday, March 7

March 6th

Carol Lee Donuts, those three little words bring back so many wonderful memories. The little donut shop which used to be downtown was a favorite place for many years. I used to go there as a child with my Daddy on special "dates", hang out with friends on a Saturday, or go during Sunday school while at church. I loved the small town feel of the place. Orange Formica booths, fake butcher block counter tops, and a bar that you could sit at and watch the people walk by and play on the lawn across the street. The smells were just as wonderful, fresh baked donuts and coffee every time you walked by. I still miss the shop downtown but at least you can still get the donuts. They are still the best donuts I have ever tasted and every time I bite into one I am reminded again of memories from long ago.

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOH yummy, it's been a couple of years since I had a doughnut, that looks amazing!


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