Monday, March 23

The weekend

We were quite busy this weekend with fun spring time activities. It wasn't that warm but you can tell it's coming. It makes me wish I had flowers in my yard, they would be just starting to bloom and oh how I miss my daffodils. Soon I will have onions sprouting in my front beds instead. It was the only place where the soil is completely ready.

We took a drive to Lancaster on Saturday to purchase some seeds for the garden and some fruit trees. It is always such a pretty place for a drive and all of the farmers are out working in the fields. We saw lots of Amish buggies which the children love and ate lunch at Subway. David and the boys then went to pick up a load of manure for the garden with our neighbor and we had dinner with them later. I managed to forget my camera most of the day so only have a few shots of seeds and plants. No tree pictures, no new baby pictures, no Amish farm pictures, no manure pictures, well I guess that's not so bad but it's still in the truck so I could take one...

On Sunday we planted some of the onion sets and of course went to church and had small group. Sundays are really busy for us and I am glad for the decision David made to take a break from small group on Sundays. It will be nice to be able to get school lessons ready and not spend all afternoon cooking. Once we know more about the job situation we will join another group or plug into a new church somewhere else. In the meantime I am thankful for the rest. But I will miss you guys!

I can hear you asking all ready.
Why did you buy fruit trees if you might be moving?
I truthfully can't answer that question.
You'll have to ask David.
My respose is "I HAVE NO IDEA"!

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