Wednesday, June 8

Happy Birthday Gwen

Today was the day for Gwen's party. I had to time it just right, so although her actually birthday is May 22nd, today was the day we celebrated. I kept having images of cake crumb floors and piles of wrapping paper everywhere and someone would want to come look at the house. Sure enough we have another showing tomorrow morning so I have spent the evening cleaning and putting things back to order. She wanted a tea party this year as her theme.
2011 06 07_1544I  made cupcakes with purple flowers on top for her cake, very simple and easy.2011 06 07_1504We used the fine china, even though the menu was pizza and fruit to make is special. :)
2011 06 07_1500 The dress was made a couple of years ago when I made one similar for Fiona. Thank-goodness I didn't have to make one this year, I'm not sure I could have pulled that one off! 2011 06 07_15292011 06 07_1525One of her gifts was a porcelain tea set. She was so excited to have her own, just like Fiona's! We are all ready planning a little party for tomorrow afternoon for snack time. 2011 06 07_1542 Her other gift was a new doll with hair that could be brushed. She named her Emily and is sleeping with her tonight. Gwen told me it was that "bestest birthday ever". I am so glad she enjoyed it!2011 06 07_1534Happy Birthday to my Gwen!


  1. How adorable is she?? It looks like she had the bestest birthday ever!

  2. Bekki, She looks so grown up. It's hard to believe she is five years old. It seems like she was just born a couple of years ago! She looks so cute in her dress and pigtails and the doll is adorable. Love the tea set. Love, Mom

  3. How neat! We have a Gwen, too. Our Gwen will be two this week. I just popped over after reading HomeJoys. I also enjoyed your post on canning supplies - my pots and bowls and canning things are my friends! *L*


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