Sunday, May 23

Guest Posting



I just wanted to let you know I am guest posting tonight over at Teatertots and Jello on my once a month cooking.

Go and check it out HERE. Lots of ideas and inspiration!


  1. Thanks for guest posting, I am so happy to have found you. You Inspire me! I cannot wait to hear about the recipes. And you can?! (as in all that applesauce) What a gal, I tell ya!
    Baked burritos? From frozen? I hope you tell us how!
    And one other thing-What's that organizing thing in your freezer? Please tell me it didn't come with your freezer and that I could get one too...

  2. great Post. I am visiting you from your guest post. I am so intrigued. I recently finished a series on my blog similiar to this. It is called being prepared in the kitchen. I like your ideas. I would love some of your recipes. Thanks again.

  3. Thanks again for guest posting Bekki. You are amazing!!


  4. I just came over from Tatertots and Jello. I'm so glad that I've found your blog! Cooking ahead is something that I've been wanting to do for a while. It seems like once a year, I give it a try, but somehow I can never keep up with it. I'm looking forward to learning more about how you make this work for you. Three months of meals sounds beyond fantastic!

  5. I just can't stop reading this in amazement. You are truly inspiring. I have a book called Don't Panic Dinners In The Freezer, you should check it out for more recipes that freeze well.


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