Tuesday, June 1

Weekend Trip


We took a short camping trip to a local state park over the weekend. We thought it would be a good idea to make a trial run before our 10 day trip to Mammoth Caves in Kentucky on Thursday.Thank goodness we did!

One leaky air mattress, no trash bags, rain, and mud summed up the weekend. At least the tent did not leak! So after a day of running errands and washing mud stained clothing  I am now ready to re-pack and head for Kentucky! I won’t be blogging while I am away so stay tuned for new recipes when we return on the 14th!

Mom these are just for you; some pictures from the weekend.

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  1. Bekki, The thing that I notice the most is how grown up Gwennie looks. The one of the kids holding hands is a classic. You will have to do a page with the picture of you and Carson. The picture with all four kids is so good. They look like they are posing just for me! Have fun camping.

  2. We had a leaky mattress this weekend as well and my back is still sore from it! Well, that and I picked Andrew up wrong after a fly bite. We didn't have rain though. Have fun on your 10 day camp trip...remember a Walmart can't be far if you get another leaky mattress...they are the worst.

  3. Bekki,

    These are great photos from your camping trip!

    Renee @ FIMBY via Simple Homeschool">Simple Homeschool.

    Thank goodness the tent didn't leak but what's camping without a deflating mattress!!


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