Sunday, June 13

The Creation Museum

We absolutely LOVED visiting the museum! It was so well done and a beautiful complex as well. We took in two planetarium shows, the museum, botanical gardens, and the petting zoo. We loved being in a place where God was glorified. I have included a lot of photos in this post. I just couldn't choose. I tried to put them into mini albums so if you don’t want to look you don’t have to.

Here is the view from the lobby.

The museum starts out with a room displaying the differences between human reason and God’s word. Then why God’s word is true.

Next is a room depicting the world forsaking God’s word.

You then move into God creating the world and progressing through Genesis room by room. 056

The Tower of Babel room that shows how man was scattered to all ends of the earth.

090 We then moved into the rooms proving evolution false. I didn’t take any pictures here there was so much to see and read! The children wanted me to read everything and not once did they loose interest, even Gwen. We learned so much form these exhibits. After we walked through we went and ate lunch picnic style off the back of  the truck. The museum does have a restaurant and a cafeteria but we were trying to save some money and it was fun to read the license plates and count how many vans and busses were in the parking lot.

After lunch we walked through the gardens until the storm came so we had to go back inside.

We walked through the museum again since everyone wanted to see some aspect again and the dinosaur room which we hadn’t seen yet. 

Then it was back outside to go to the petting zoo and walk through the gardens a bit more.

We were exhausted by the end of the day and stopped at a Mexican restaurant on the way back to the campsite. It was such a good day and the children are still talking about it and mentioning things that they learned. We packed up as much as we could and got ready to head to Mammoth Caves in the morning. 181 Hopefully I didn’t bore you will all the photos! If you are even in the Cincinnati area I highly recommend stopping in for a visit.


  1. We loved the Creation Museum when we went a couple years ago. My boy keeps asking when we're going back. The planetarium shows were my favorite & I even bought the show on DVD so watch it. We made a weekend trip of the visit and went to the Newport Aquarium across the river and enjoyed that immensely as well :D

    It looks like you guys had a fantastic vacation. You're making me wish we were taking one this year.

  2. Looks like you wore the girls out. Great pictures but there should be a few more of you. I'll have to talk to David about that! Ha Ha

  3. That was really cool Becky. Thanks for sharing those photos and the information, I never knew that museum existed?? Have to look into that.

    Hope you all are doing well.

  4. You poor thing. I'm so sorry that your parents and our education system failed you. It saddens me that you are perpetuating these same injustices on your children.

    The earth is billions of years old. Man didn't coexist with dinosaurs. Evolution isn't "false". Knowledge is power.


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