Saturday, October 10

Fall design

Just some photos of the fall decor in my home. This is the first year I feel like I have enough things to go around and make it look well thought out. It is so cozy and the cool temperatures are wonderful for gathering around the fire.
This is the centerpiece on the breakfast table. I just love decorating with candy, especially in the kitchen!

On top of the kitchen cabinets.

On the railing going upstairs.
A carved wooden pumpkin on a stack of old children's books.

This is one of my favorite new things, glittered pumpkins in little white pots.


  1. Very cute!! I give you credit, Bekki, if I knew I was moving in a month or two I wouldn't bother to put out the decorations! PS - If I left that candy corn out on my table, Carter would have it polished off by lunchtime!! :)

  2. Everything looks so cozy and inviting. I love fall.


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