...but there is still housework!
Look what happens when when you don't do laundry for two weeks. I spent two hours last night folding and I'm still not finished. I am afraid this is what I let go when things get busy. I wash it, dry it, and dump it. It's not really a very good system and one of the things I am working of for next canning season. Housework went out the window. Now it's time to catch up, clean up, and put the laundry away.
it really is kind of nice to see that kind of craziness in your house. i've only ever seen it perfectly put together. i was just looking through the vision forum catlog last night and saw the book "managing a large family" (or something like that) and i thought...'i have to get that'...i don't even have a that big of a family (yet)! :)