Thursday, January 26


Fiona is finally getting her front teeth! We are so excited!
Over two years ago her little sister hit her in the mouth with a small hammer causing her front tooth to turn black. Ever since then she has smiled without opening her mouth.
file 1 (15)
May 2010
Owen (4)
April 2011
Well, I found one or two photos with a big smile in the past two years. I don’t think it ever crossed my mind that it bothered her until I started looking back and really noticed.
2011 05 02_0968
June 2011
The dentist eventually pulled the dead tooth and the one next to it quickly followed. She stayed toothless for over a year. In October we noticed them starting to come in. Although still no big smiles…
October 2011
Until yesterday!  It’s been a long time coming and I just love to see her smile!


  1. Tell Fiona she is going to have beautiful teeth. Glad to see her so happy. She looks so much more grown up in this picture. Omi

  2. Fiona certainly did a good job hiding her gap! Both of her smiles are beautiful and I love the new toothy grin :D


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