Monday, March 14

Riding Lessons

Fiona has been interested in horses and riding for a few years now. We finally told here that if she stopped sucking her thumb she could ride. That happened around Thanksgiving, it didn't take her very long to quit with such a great incentive. :) Then came cold weather, ice, and snow. So finally she got to start lessons a few weeks ago. She loves it and talks about "her" pony all week. Hopefully I'll take her to her lesson and get pictures of her riding. But for now these are from when we purchased all of her tack of which you might find her wearing any time of day while she pretends to ride. 2011 01 24_0059 2011 01 24_00682011 01 24_0073

I'll bet you can guess her next question now that he has her lessons. :)

"Poppa, when can we get a pony?"


  1. Yeah Fiona! Can't wait to see her on the horse.

  2. I'm so happy that your blogging again. I love your recipes :)

  3. My daughter has been on a horse since she was 3 months old (my fault, I rode with her in the saddle in front of me) She barrel races, flying around barrels at breakneck speed just deliberately trying to make me have heart palpitations. Logan also loves the horses, he has claimed his daddy's roping horse (Hooter) as his own and used to kick and scream when we would drag him out of the saddle.


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