Thought I would let everyone know how the moving process is going. Short answer: It' isn't, going I mean. We are still stuck looking for a house that suits our needs, has a couple of acres, and minus property taxes that can be as much as buying a new car each year. Seriously, 15,000.00 a year?!!! That's crazy, yet people pay it, although by looking at the houses we looked at they can't take care of thier homes as a result. So we have decided to take a month off to prayerfully consider staying here. Yes you read that right, after an entire year of "moving" we may just end up right where we started. Crazy, huh?!
The list of reasons to stay are long and the reasons for moving are short, David won't have to drive so far and we can get more land. The benefits to staying are many, but the biggest one is that we could potentially have the house paid off in two years. When you look at is that way is almost seems silly to move. Dave Ramsey would say "stay", I'm sure of it. If this was the case and the house was paid for then we could move home. Back to the south and the land that calls to us in our dreams. Either way we know we don't want to stay here in Pennsylvania forever. If only it could be simple.
In light of all this decision making that is happening around here I am revamping our school schedule, the filing cabinet, and my notebook system. At least the paper is almost under control (at least until we get the mail again)! I also did a bit of decorating around the house, and am painting a few small pieces of furniture. I am not so patiently awating the arrival of warm weather, not because I am tired of winter(although we could just leave February out of the calendar in my opinion) but because it is to cold to paint! I have some big pieces I want to get started on!
A few pictures of some of the details around our home that I took today. When I look at these I can ignore the chaos around me. I mean doesn't everyone have a huge goodwill pile in the dining room or a dining room table turned into a storage bin?
Just keeping it real folks :)
Kitty thinks goodwill piles are for eating.
There is a centerpiece under construction in there somewhere, and a pile of things to take to the basement. I think I need to come up with a soultion to this problem.
Ahh, much better. Wreath over the mirror in the dining room I made a couple of weeks ago.
Dreaming of spring.
One can never have enough good books. We have so many they find their way into the decor in every room.
See, more books. :)
Some of my milk glass collection.
And this is what it looked like out my front door this morning mocking me. Isn't it so beautiful! Clean and pure, and fresh, just the way I want the inside of my house and heart to be.